About Me

Innovative and problem solver Mobile Software Engineer with multiple years experience working with multinational companies, startups, and various open source projects. Accustomed to agile startup cultures which is very fast changing and growing very fast. And very well accustomed to writing clean, reusable, and testable code and refactoring old legacy code to be more readable, and testable with less code complexity.

Working Experience

Januari 2018 – Present
PT. Bukalapak
Jakarta, Indonesia

  • Developed new features and Improving UI/UX to improve seller experiences and seller engagement, and make it easier to sell products using Bukalapak Apps.
  • Reduce code complexity by 60%, by refactoring old legacy codes written in Java to Kotlin, while reducing the code complexity and possibility of bugs with less codes than using old legacy codes.
  • Reducing crash and critical bugs which block user actions especially when a user want to sell their products.
  • Developed dynamic UI which implementing Atomic UI Design pattern, to make it easier to reuse UI components.

Juli 2016 – December 2017
Mataram, Indonesia

  • Developed Mobile apps (Android and iOS) for government cash flow visualization to increase information disclosure in local government
  • Developed a community based mobile Apps Spatial Data Visualization for earthquake victims in Lombok Islands to help local volunteer and government to map victims whereabouts and their needs, even without Internet connections.
  • Founding and Leading local Mobile Developers community to help anyone who wants to learn and collaborate on building a startup to meet up with the mobile developer expert in Lombok Island.

September 2015 – Juli 2016
PT. Tokopedia
Jakarta, Indonesia

  • Developed Mobile apps (Android and iOS) for government cash flow visualization to increase information disclosure in local government
  • Developed Dexter Framework, a multiplatform Automation Testing Framework for iOS, Android, and Mobile Web version of Tokopedia apps using predefined Test Cases in Excel sheets. This framework will ease Tester to create single Test Cases for multiple platforms with the same flow, without writing the same test flow for different platform.
  • Founding and Leading SDEIT Team to maintain test cases and running the automation test on our local device farm.
  • Creating Tools for one of my best friends in GA sections, to automatically create an ID Card for new Employee when the necessary document for Creating ID card Issued to his email.
  • Auditing security holes on the Mobile apps and MWeb and finding high risk security issues.

Juli 2013 – August 2015
SRIN- Samsung R&D Institut Indonesia
Jakarta, Indonesia

  • Developed Mobile apps (Android and iOS) for government cash flow visualization to increase information disclosure in local government
  • Maintaining and developing features for ChatON Apps and Samsung Link Mobile apps for Samsung Devices that will be deployed in South East Asia Market.
  • Finding better algorithm and refactoring old codes with newly founded algorithms to make Samsung link Apps works better on every kind on Samsung devices.
  • Building Automation testing devices farms with all samsung devices that is not being used by anyone remotely inside office.


  • Kotlin 100% 100%
  • Java 100% 100%
  • Android Development 100% 100%
  • Dart/Flutter 60% 60%
  • C/C++ 60% 60%
  • IOT Development 60% 60%
  • Python 60% 60%


2014 – 2018
STMIK Akakom Yogyakarta
Emphasizes on Software Engineering and Mobile apps Development.

Juli – August 2019
MADE – Menjadi Android Developer Expert
Online Course

Juli – August 2018
KADE – Kotlin Android Developer Expert
Online Course

Tech Stacks

  1. Android
  2. Android Hybrid (Flutter)
  3. Android Native
  4. Android Things
  5. Arduino
  6. C++
  7. C
  8. Dart
  9. Espressif (ESP12/ESP32)
  10. Firebase
  11. Flutter Web
  12. iOS Hybrid (Flutter)
  13. iOS
  14. IOT
  15. Java
  16. Kotlin
  17. Micropython
  18. Python
  19. Raspberry Pi

ITEC | Mataram

Pengen jago IT tapi gak punya basic IT ? Yuk datang ke kantor kami.

Kontak Kami

Alamat: Jl. Belibis No.7 Pejanggik, Mataram

Email: [email protected]

Telepone: (0370) 844057

Hp: 0819 9398 8993 | 0811 3988 993

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